United States Republic of America

We the People
      You Patriot, are the soldier of liberty. We are already thousands strong. This is includes you. We need to unite, and stop worrying about what the leaders in office are going to do to us if we gather, and demand Liberties restored. We have the right to gather, the right to form a well armed, and well-organized militia (The United Continental Army) According to the second amendment. This is in no way illegal, and attempts to make it so, are fraudulent, and utterly treasonous to the American People. We still have the freedom of assembly and the right to bear arms. For now. We are not an army of idle cowards. We are an army that will take steps to preserve our rights and liberties, no matter how 'terrorist' it may seem. We will stop them, and we stand vigilant. We say "NO MORE!!" The ghosts of our founding fathers are calling us to defend freedom. Lady Liberty's saber is drawn. We will NOT stand and allow our country be defeated from the inside, by rich men with pens and insidious smiles.