"A Call to Freedom."

     Patriots, we are here to take back America. Our Liberties, whom our fathers died for us to have, are being destroyed. You don't see it, day to day. There are more Acts and Laws that circumvent the United States constitution than you probably know exist. As we all know, the constitution is the supreme law of the land. Unfortunately, the ones in power have destroyed this, little by little, and it now seems normal. Tyranny has kicked in our doors without making a sound. We have to let them know, that we are ready for them. We are Patriots. Patriots of Justice and Truth. Liberty and Freedom. Resistance and Bravery.

    Our Brothers, Friends, fellow Americans, we are no longer free. The people fear the government more than ever. We are so afraid of the secret organizations, the "terror plots", martial law, getting fined without just reason, being searched without a warrant, the government listening to your phone conversations. "When the people fear the government, there is Tyranny, when the government fears the People, there is Liberty..." -Thomas Jefferson   National Security is used to take anything or anyone the government wants. This is not what our forefathers died for. It is deeply disturbing that our leaders have taken advantage of a horrible tragedy, like 9/11, and used it to control the people like never before. The banks are destroying your entire life savings, everything you worked for, simply by printing so much of the money you worked so hard to get, that it becomes worthless. First by inflation, then by deflation. You can thank the Federal Reserve for this. And by the way, there is nothing "federal" about the federal reserve. They are a private bank. Privately destroying the life savings of millions, unchecked. This stops here. It stops with us. All that is needed for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing. Patriots, we are good men, and we will stop this.
There are Five stages in which we can try to change this:
1. Voting- this has failed, as nobody really cares who you voted for, the choices are more similar than you think.
2. Write your Congressman/Senator- This has also failed, as they scoff at your letters as an American.
3.Political dissent, boycotts-This has failed, because the government will label you an 'un-American whackjob' for doing so.
4. A monetary revolution-  This cannot work, as they government has made provisions to make sure that you cannot navigate your daily life without using their issued monies.
5. A Revolt- Obviously the most extreme choice, but the most straightforward. A corrupt official can't laugh at your demands for Liberty and Freedom when you and several thousand others are at his door, demanding justice.

      Out of the Five, the revolt will cost lives, money, and comfort. Surely to be labeled as an act of Terror, the government will respond with military force. Even though Posse Comitatus says that you cannot use the military against civilians, they have since done away with this. Effectively disbarring the idea of an armed revolt. The real reason the second Amendment exists is for you to be able to protect yourself from tyranny. Not to just carry around an AR-15 in the supermarket because you feel like it, but to stop the usurpers. Once the government takes away the guns, this removes all of the resistance from a total takeover, and no amount of lobbying, or letter-writing will stop it. The pen can be mightier than the sword, but not mighter than a fully loaded 7.62mm machine gun.

          "When we resist . . . concentration of power, we are resisting the powers of death, because concentration of power is what always precedes the destruction of human liberties." -Woodrow Wilson