Join the United Continental Army

Join the Movement towards freedom. We will march if need be. We are here to ensure that all Americans are truly free, and are not bound by fraudulent laws that remove our liberties, and allow governments to usurp even more power. We are Constitutionalists, and we will not change. No amount of money or influence can change our agenda, and we stand stronger everyday. Remember, there are ALOT more of us than them, we are the People. They can't arrest or kill us all. This Army exists to ensure that your children will be able to live free, without fear, that their children will remember what has happened in this generation. They will be told of how, one small Army, stood for them and upheld their rights as human beings. This is an Army of resistance. We will not go quietly, and we will not be silenced. We are the Sons of Freedom.

-Preserve freedoms in America
-Be respected among your fellow Patriots for your sacrifice
-Ensure that generations to come, will be unconditionally free because of your efforts
-Be the reason that America will never see another Tyranny
-You will be an example to the rest of the world, that when Patriots unite under a common cause, no dictatorship, declared or undeclared, will be able to infringe on the rights of many.

If you want to be a part of this Army, simply Submit Your information, There is no contract, this is a volunteer endeavor only. This is not a disinformation scheme. You info, whether true or false, will count as a body in the defense of a once great Nation.